Okay, this is actually a serious issue. I had to shrink from having conversations on camp because I was literally scared of meeting people who were unable to keep up with English or who altogether could not understand what i had to say or respond appropriately. And during the Christmas break last year, i heard it was even much worse in some other camps; some people were decamped for not knowing how to write their own names. And they were supposed to be "GRADUATES" of universities entering the work force within they year. Computer Science Graduates who had never touched a computer, Engineers who merely knew anything beyond secondary school science class students would know and people who couldn't write application letters. I wondered what was to become of the future of our beloved country amongst all the other vices that plague us. I'm in no way particularly subservient as regards our imperfect government, but I really can not blame the government on this issue. From the same schools that these "educated" illiterates graduate, come elite, extremely intelligent few who would fit into the mold that is the literate crop of individuals in our society.
Then we hear people wail that there are no jobs and the percentage of unemployed youths are above average. This is basically because people are actually unemployable because they lack the skills that the universities provide. I know some of these universities are nothing to write home about, but still people come from these schools with intellects that are globally commendable; so my question is, aren't they also experiencing the same challenges that these unemployables are?
What we do need as Nigerians is first a change of mindset before anything else. On your own, think positively and act positively. Make a personal resolve to effect a change in your immediate environment. The Nigerian Youth are the candidates of future elections and Nigeria in general. Let's not get there unprepared. And to you that fall into this unfortunate situation, hope is not lost. Education is a life-long process. Outside the walls of the university, there are ways to educate yourself. The ways abound and if you can read this post, that device in your hand, be it a smartphone or a computer, you have a very big startup available to you. Don't get to a future you are unprepared for.
Signing Out,
Lex Ash!!!
#Evil Laugh# but true. You forgot the part where they are posted to secondary schools to teach. Think there is more to the individual than the institutions. Let's just hope it gets better. Nice one Lex.