Monday, 19 May 2014


As we round up our Service year- it’s all about job searching and for those of us that got jobs already. How effective are we at our Jobs.
We hear a lot about being effective- What is being effective, what does it actually mean? Well the dictionary definition is productive, persuasive, having a desired result or effect. Synonyms include able, competent, energetic, forceful, and powerful.
The effective person is the person who works smart and hard. One of the real keys is organisation, and for most of us that means having a system that works for us and helps to plan and manage our time.
So whether you use the latest electronic gadgetry or just plain old paper and pencil, you need to devote some “headspace” to thinking about your work, planning and organising it. You don’t want to be the person caught on the hop, totally unprepared for today’s big meeting.

Here are my top ten (10) tips for getting organised.

1. Keep a diary, and use it! Both personal and business matters need to be entered to avoid diary clashes.
2. At the end of each day, list all uncompleted tasks that must be picked up tomorrow morning and rank them in order of priority
3. Review your task list each morning. If you can, delegate tasks others can do.
4. If you are responsible for staff, take 5 minutes each morning to touch base with them and check they are planning to achieve what you see as priority that day.
5. Once a week find 5 minutes to consider the next few weeks. Friday afternoon or Monday morning is a good time for this.
6. Jot reminders in your diary for milestones you need to have achieved by certain dates.
If you need input from other people or departments to achieve your milestones, or even today’s tasks, involve them as early as possible, so you are not held up waiting for them because they are busy.
7. Review the week that has just finished. Do you need to follow up with anyone, or thank them for their help during that week?
Is there anything that needs to be followed up from this week’s achievements?
8. What are your key goals for next week? Do you have enough time to accomplish them? What can you delegate? What is the next action associated with each of those goals, and do you have that task clearly identified on your calendar or task list with a due date?
9. Produce a prioritised task list for Monday so you can get off to a flying start.
10. Update your colleagues or team weekly with progress achieved and next week’s goals.

I wish all 2013 Batch B  Editorial Board CDS Corps members all the best in life and greater heights, I pray for y'all.

By Anthonia Abdullah

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